SARS Tax Tips 2020

Do I need to file a tax return?

Do you only have one employer, no additional income and earn below R500 000 per annum? Then you might not have to file.


You do not need to submit a return if ALL of these apply to you:
1. Your total salary for the year before tax is not more than R500 000; and
2. You have only one employer; and
3. You have no car allowance/ company car/ travel allowance or other income (e.g. interest or rental income); and
4. You are not claiming tax-related deductions/rebates (e.g. medical expenses; travel and retirement annuity contributions, other than pension contributions made by your employer)

But you have to submit a return if you worked for more than one employer or retired or resigned from employment, or your circumstances have changed in a substantial way, including letting out rental property.

You also have to submit a return if you wish to claim tax-deductible expenses such as medical scheme contributions and medical expenses not paid by a medical scheme, and retirement annuity fund contributions, etc.
Use our handy Tax Wizard to see if you need to submit an income tax return. Go to Do you need to submit on the SARS website to see if you need to file a return this Tax Season.

SARS MobiApp

eFiling with the SARS MobiApp is easy to submit supporting documents. The SARS MobiApp has some fashionable features. You can file a return, make a tax calculation, submit supporting documents and many more.  The improved SARS MobiApp for smart phones is a smart choice. So App your game and download the MobiApp from the Google Play Store or App Store from 1 July onwards. With the SARS MobiApp you can use your smart phone to register for eFiling, reset your username and password, file your return, submit supporting documents, make a payment to SARS, set up a Call Back from the SARS Contact Centre and use other services. 

Speak to a friendly SARS agent

Expert tax help is available online from a friendly SARS agent in real-time as you file your return. Click the Help-You-eFile icon once you have logged into your SARS eFiling profile. Select Call Me and a SARS agent will talk you through every step of the way while you complete your income tax return online. The SARS Contact Centre hours are 08:00 to 17:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 09:00 to 17:00 on Wednesday.

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