We have assembled a reference guide, that will take you explain to you in much more detail how to benefit from having PBO status as well as how to acquire that status.
Some of the other topics in this reference are:
- Guidelines and requirements for your organisations founding document
- Benefits of tax exempt status to donors of NGOS
- Details of the type of organisations that benefit, as well as a complete list of all the activities these organisations may engage in.
- Donations Tax, Estate Duty, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), Transfer Duty, Stamps Duty, Skills Development Levy, VAT
- Restrictions on Business activity
- Factors to consider when registering
- Registering as a tax-exempt PBO
- Applying for the exemption for the first time
- Re-registering existing PBOs
- Donor Claiming Income Tax Benefits
- Income tax benefits to donors
- Applying for an NPO number
- Rationale of the NPO Act
- Accounting records and Reports
- Benefits of registering with the Nonprofit Organisations Directorate
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